Thursday, July 13, 2017

Register's Release and Forecast: July 2017

Yesterday, Register Ashe held his semiannual Release and Forecast. During this press conference, the Register released the amount of revenue collected by our office, the breakdown of documents recorded with the Hampden County Registry of Deeds, as well as his predictions for fiscal year 2017.

Read the article on MassLive 

Watch the story on 22 News 

Register Ashe gives his bi-annual press briefing to the local media.

Register Ashe with Sy Becker of WWLP.

Register Ashe gives an interview with Sy Becker.

Register Ashe remarks that document recording statistics for FY17 show promising signs for the economy.

Total real estate spending in Hampden County went up by 26% during FY2017.

Did you know that one-third of all documents recorded at the Hampden County Registry of deeds are e-filed? Register Ashe expects that figure to keep growing.

Register Ashe with Don Treeger of The Republican.

Foreclosures are still up, but foreclosure filings have decreased by 20%. Register Ashe explains this should mean fewer foreclosures in the future.

Over $1.75 billion was spent on real estate in Hampden County during FY17, the highest amount spent since the Great Recession.